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Comprehensive Step by Step Guide on How to Make an Android App

Learn Comprehensive Android Nougat App Development

What Will You Learn?
  • Build Android Marshmallow apps
  • Program and code with Java
  • Apply for Jr. Android app development jobs
  • Implement Object-Oriented Programming with Java and Android

So, you have an Android device with several pre-built apps, downloaded apps, and a cache of deleted apps. You are wondering how complex it must be to build an app of your choice. You’ve downloaded Android Studio but everything seems hazy. Stop for a moment! Breathe! Now, take a look at how to make an Android app with this tutorial.

There are billions of Android users in the world. Be a part of the Android developers with stunning Android apps on the Google Play store! This Android app development course for beginners will take you through the journey of downloading Android Studio, to developing amazing apps that could potentially be used by billions of users around the world.

Who Can Take This Course?
This course was created with newbies who want to learn how to build an app, and will not be suitable for Android veterans. Did you know that an Android app developer earns up to $80,000 annually on average? This course on how to make an android app will take you from a newbie to a paid professional in Android app development in just 6 weeks! Whether you are a newbie, a nerd, a geek, with little or zero coding experience, this Android app development course for beginners is absolutely for you. To be a Pro, you simply need to dedicate an hour or two daily. You do not need an Android Studio tutorial or to have prior experience in android development to learn how to make an Android app tutorial.

Why learn Android app development online?

With the global population of android users, impressive Apps are always downloaded and updated several times daily. This tutorial is your one-stop destination for becoming a paid professional in the mobile industry. Upon completion of this Android app development course for beginners, you will be comfortable applying for the role of a junior android developer or you can simply build your ideal app and submit it to the Google Play store.

Course Content
Android N is a complete course that teaches you how to make an Android app within 6 weeks. It covers contents like installing Android Studio with SDK and IntelliJ, Layouts including Constraints, Fit/Flab, Object-oriented programming, Grids and Lists with Recycler view, Web Requests, and REST on Android, and Building a Chat App with Firebase. How to make an app tutorial will teach you the basics of Android, creating an app in Java, Fit or Flab, Object-oriented programming, Grids, and Lists with recycler view, and so much more:

  1. Git and Android
  2. How to make an app
  3. Basics of Android app development
  4. How to make android apps with Constraint Layout
  5. How to create an android app with web requests and REST on Android
  6. How to build an app with Firebase

Extra Features
This course on how to make an android app comes with Live help. You will get access to Devslopes chatroom where the teachers, guiding tutors, and other developers are always online to answer all your questions.

Take this Android app development course for beginners and make your app for Android Nougat! See you in the course: learn Android app development online!

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