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A Responsive Web Design Course: Find Out How to Create a Responsive Website

Learn how to make a website mobile friendly with a responsive web design tutorial step by step!

What Will You Learn?
  • How to create a responsive website that fits any screen
  • How to offer the best possible user experience for the visitors of your website
  • How to make a website mobile-friendly
  • What is an em, rem and other core concepts of responsive web design

Complete this responsive web design course to master CSS and learn how to make a website mobile friendly and fit a screen of any size! The fun thing is, you do not need to know any basics before you start: by going through this responsive web design tutorial step by step, solving interactive lectures and working with amusing examples, you will quickly understand how to create a responsive website yourself!

Instead of knowing anything about responsive web design, you should be familiar with the fundamentals of HTML and CSS. If you are a beginner in these languages too, feel free to check out the Space Doggos 2 course!

Responsive Website Tutorial: Step-by-step Learning
With a ton of information to remember, it can be easy to forget or overlook crucial details that make the code work. Also, theory alone is insufficient! Reading coding theory is a dull experience and hardly a great way to learn how to create a responsive website. That is why learning experience in this responsive web design course is interactive and has been carefully tested to offer a chance to both learn efficiently and have a bit of fun.

In this responsive website tutorial, you will be a developer of two websites: a fashion blog and a web page for a coffee shop. You will resize them and refit them to respond to the ever-changing needs of the everyday user experience. In each lecture, you will find a little theory to familiarize you with the core concept of responsive web design and a task to fix it in your memory. You won’t ever get stuck on a lesson – the hints will help you to find the solution!

With a seamless and interactive learning experience, you won’t ever feel like you’re back at school or doing homework. Each lesson in this responsive web design course will build upon the previous one, and you'll soon know how to create a responsive website!

The Future Has Arrived
The best web designs guide the user to the content on the website without distracting them or drawing too much attention to the design itself. However, every user experience is different. Users browse the Internet on devices with screens of varying sizes and proportions. As of 2019, more than 51 percent of global web traffic originates from mobile devices. That’s why web developers have to always think about how to make a website mobile-friendly, as well as tablet friendly and desktop friendly.

The answer is responsive web design. Learning how to create a responsive website is a relatively new approach to web design, which makes web pages work well on a variety of devices, window and screen sizes. Content, design, and performance are necessary across all devices to ensure satisfying user experience.

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So do not hesitate any longer: go through this responsive web design tutorial step by step, learn all the core concepts required to understand how to create a responsive website, and go on to build your own – one that’s ready for the future!

Make better use of your time, and don't let hesitation kill your time more.
Register for the course and start learning now! With a 30% discount coupon.
coupon code: 33006443