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Comprehensive Guide on How to Make an iPhone App With iOS 10 & Swift 3

Learn how to make an iPhone app - become a master of iOS app development

What Will You Learn?
  • Foundational iOS
  • Version control with Git and Github
  • Swift 3
  • Objective-C
  • Advanced Objective-C

iOS 10 and Swift 3 Tutorial
The tutorial course on how to make an iPhone app with iOS 10 and Swift 3 had rave reviews from people who took the course. Today, you have an advanced Swift tutorial! This course is akin to an online coding boot camp that will take you from a beginner with no prior experience in the industry to a paid iOS ninja. Are you ready to get started?

There are several courses and tutorials online offering to teach you how to code an app but upon completion, you are a copy-and-paste iOS app development student. This course is taught by industry-leading experts on iPhone app development in the world! Nothing stopping you! It’s time to start learning!

Who Can Take This Course?
Are you a beginner with no prior coding experience, or did you learn how to code an app on iOS 10 and Swift 3, or are you a junior iOS developer looking to polish your skills and portfolio? Then this course is absolutely for you! How to make an iPhone app course is simply for beginners, mobile enthusiasts, entrepreneurs, and junior developers in the industry. So, whether you are making a career switch or trying to upgrade to the new swift tutorial, you can learn iPhone app development.

Why You Should Learn How to Make an iPhone App?
An average junior iOS developer earns $85,000 annually. This is far more than the annual minimum wage. Also, your app could potentially reach millions of users globally! With this tutorial, you will learn the basics of iOS, learn how to create several cool apps, gain an understanding of algorithms and programming, apply for junior positions in the mobile industry, have a portfolio of apps launched in the Apple play store after you have mastered iOS app development.

What you Will Learn From the Content of This Course
The course will cover the basics of iOS for a beginner, quizzes, version control with Git and Github, Objective-C and Advanced Objective-C, Foundational iOS, Data Persistence, and Core Data, Rest and Web Requests, Maps and Pokemon, and Protocol Oriented Programming.

After completing this course you will get a clear understanding of:

  1. How to make an iPhone app with iOS 10 and Swift 3
  2. How to code with Swift
  3. How to use Git and GitHub
  4. iOS 10 app development
  5. How to work with REST and Web Requests on iOS 10 & Swift 3
  6. Protocol Oriented Programming with Swift 3 
  7. How to use iOS 10 new features
  8. How to create push notifications with Firebase
  9. How to Create Firebase maps app
  10. How to build your own social network app like Facebook
  11. How to build a Snapchat clone
  12. How to design app with Sketch

And much more!
So don't waste your time. Enroll in this comprehensive iOS app development course and start learning now!

You can get these books in a free way

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